Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Performance Testing in a Continuous Integration Environment

Software development groups with continuous integration in place (to handle automatic build and test on any check-in) should ideally include performance and load testing in the continuous integration process.  This article describes my experiences implementing such a solution at a large enterprise software company.

Infrastructure Needed

  • A continuous integration system such as jenkins, teamcity, etc. that is able to build code and run tests
  • An automated deployment system that can programmatically deploy and start newly built code
  • A performance test framework supporting performance tests that are runnable by the continuous integration system against the automatically deployed code

Performance test framework
The performance test framework could be a third-party framework such as jmeter that integrates well with CI systems, unit test frameworks (such as testng or junit) and other open source software.  the solution I chose was to implement an in-house performance test framework.  This perf test framework was designed to make it trivial to take an arbitrary junit test class and convert it to a performance test with less than 5 minutes of work.  This allows the extensive library of automated tests already implemented (in the junit framework) to be leveraged as performance test cases.

This performance test framework supported functionality including the following, which would be a reasonable minimal set of performance test framework functionality:

  • Allow any test case to be converted to a performance test with minimal effort.  (In this case, it is achieved by having the test class extend a PerfTestBase class and implement an IPerfTest interface.)
  • Allow any block of code to be wrapped as a transaction to be measured.
  • Allow the test to be run for a configured amount of time or a configured number of iterations.
  • Allow the test to be run concurrently by a configurable number of client threads.
  • Allow the test to gradually scale up load as configured, such as 1 test case at a time, 2 concurrent test cases, 5 concurrent test cases, etc.
  • Handle exceptions and errors.
  • Allow the test to pass or fail based on configurable performance criteria such as response time SLAs, performance versus previous test runs, etc.
  • Allow the test to be run in an IDE, from the command line, and from the continuous integration system.
  • Persist results in a database for historical reporting
  • Automatically generate test result artifacts and charts including response time trends over time, performance relative to previous test runs, performance versus number of concurrent test cases, etc.
  • Automatically calculate any performance metrics needed for reporting.
  • Automatically push results to sinks such as email distribution lists, dashboards, third party reporting repositories, etc.

Stretch goals for a performance test framework include the following:

  • Handle stress test cases in which the test process, the services under test, or the OS might freeze up, requiring external monitoring and catastrophic failure handling.
  • Handle capacity testing in which the absolute capacity of a service is reached programmatically.
  • Handle performance of fault-tolerance scenarios in which some of the services under test are programmatically brought down and up.

My experience doing performance testing within the continuous integration system is that the tests find, on a daily basis, deep stability and performance bugs. Bugs found include deadlocks, race conditions, out of memory exceptions, process crashes, response time regressions, etc.  This allows a very large amount of performance testing to be done with minimal staffing resources.  There are up-front costs implementing the tests and getting them running the continuous integration system.  Once the performance tests are implemented, the bulk of the ongoing work involves triaging, driving and resolving the performance and stability bugs that are found automatically on a daily basis.

I believe this type of system constitutes a significant leap forward versus traditional manual performance testing.  Traditional, manual performance testing  is labor intensive and requires expensive, antiquated third-party testing tools.

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