- Garbage Collection - Old Generation (number of collections and time spent in collection)
- Garbage Collection - Young Generation (number of collections and time spent in collection)
- Utilization and Capacity - Old Generation Space
- Utilization and Capacity - Survivor Space 0
- Utilization and Capacity - Survivor Space 1
- Utilization and Capacity - Eden Space
- Utilization and Capacity - Permanent Space
The following is an example of these seven charts:
Garbage collections in the old generation, number of collections per interval and time spent in collections per interval:
Garbage collections in the young generation, number of collections per interval and time spent in collections per interval:
Old generation utilization and capacity:
Survivor space 1 utilization and capacity:
Survivor space 0 utilization and capacity:
Eden space utilization and capacity:
Permanent space utilization and capacity:
Jstat can be collected as follows for a given java process pid:
jstat -gc 2862 60000
In this case information is output every 60 seconds for java process 2862:
104832.0 104832.0 26921.8 0.0 838912.0 224806.4 9437184.0 797674.3 85568.0 85341.5 112 3.127 0 0.000 3.127
104832.0 104832.0 0.0 52798.7 838912.0 828526.5 9437184.0 843524.4 86144.0 86031.4 122 3.402 0 0.000 3.402
,104832.0 104832.0 0.0 26349.2 838912.0 282471.0 9437184.0 902120.4 86336.0 86084.9 133 3.759 0 0.000 3.759
The columns that are output can be interpreted as follows:
Column | Description |
S0C | Current survivor space 0 capacity (KB). |
S1C | Current survivor space 1 capacity (KB). |
S0U | Survivor space 0 utilization (KB). |
S1U | Survivor space 1 utilization (KB). |
EC | Current eden space capacity (KB). |
EU | Eden space utilization (KB). |
OC | Current old space capacity (KB). |
OU | Old space utilization (KB). |
PC | Current permanent space capacity (KB). |
PU | Permanent space utilization (KB). |
YGC | Number of young generation GC Events. |
YGCT | Young generation garbage collection time. |
FGC | Number of full GC events. |
FGCT | Full garbage collection time. |
GCT | Total garbage collection time. |
It is convenient to have a script that determines the java pid rather than having to enter it manually. A script such as the following can do that:
ps -ef|grep java|grep -v grep|awk '{print "jstat -gc "$2" 10000}'
This will find the java process running and generate a jstat command on that process id. If the system may have multiple java processes, additional filters are needed to isolate a single pid.
It is also convenient to prepend a timestamp to jstat rows. While there is a jstat flag to output milliseconds since java startup, a human-readable timestamp is more useful for later correlation to other system events. This can be done using the following timestamp.sh perl script:
#while (<>) { print localtime() . ": $_"; }
while (<>)
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
$secpad = sprintf( "%02d", $sec );
$minpad = sprintf( "%02d", $min );
$hourpad = sprintf( "%02d", $hour );
$monpad = sprintf( "%02d", $mon );
$mdaypad = sprintf( "%02d", $mday );
$yearpad = sprintf( "%02d", ($year + 1900) % 100 );
$time = "$monpad\/$mdaypad\/$yearpad $hourpad:$minpad:$secpad";
print $time . ",$_";
#17/04/112 16:40:14
The timestamp.sh script can be integrated into the jstat output as follows:
jstat -gc 2862 10000 | timestamp.sh
This can be combined with java pid filter and run in the background outputting to a log file as follows:
ps -ef|grep java|grep -v grep|awk '{print "jstat -gc "$2" 10000 | ./timestamp.sh > jstat.log"}' | sh &
The result is data such as the following:
04/22/12 15:07:49, S0C S1C S0U S1U EC EU OC OU PC PU YGC YGCT FGC FGCT GCT
04/22/12 15:07:49,104832.0 104832.0 26921.8 0.0 838912.0 224806.4 9437184.0 797674.3 85568.0 85341.5 112 3.127 0 0.000 3.127
04/22/12 15:08:49,104832.0 104832.0 0.0 52798.7 838912.0 828526.5 9437184.0 843524.4 86144.0 86031.4 122 3.402 0 0.000 3.402
04/22/12 15:09:49,104832.0 104832.0 0.0 26349.2 838912.0 282471.0 9437184.0 902120.4 86336.0 86084.9 133 3.759 0 0.000 3.759
04/22/12 15:10:49,104832.0 104832.0 48749.7 0.0 838912.0 544053.8 9437184.0 954768.5 86336.0 86092.8 144 4.083 0 0.000 4.083
Analyze jstat log
To get the total time and number of Full GC and young generation GCs, the cumulative values output by jstat need to be diff'd versus the previous line. The jstat log can be analyzed into a simple csv file with this per-interval GC information using a perl script such as the following:# Read in jstat log file
# Calculate the difference from previous lines for full and young gen GCs, both count and time
# YGC Number of young generation GC Events.
# YGCT Young generation garbage collection time.
# FGC Number of full GC events.
# FGCT Full garbage collection time.
# 04/21/12 16:15:26, S0C S1C S0U S1U EC EU OC OU PC PU YGC YGCT FGC FGCT GCT
# 04/21/12 16:15:26,3328.0 3328.0 0.0 3248.5 1302784.0 732415.6 5863232.0 4035920.6 21248.0 8874.5 195 38.069 6 70.234 108.303
# Output the result to jstat-parsed.log
$infile = $ARGV[0];
$outfile = "jstat-parsed.csv";
open (INFILE, "<$infile") or die "can't open input file $infile";
open (OUTFILE, ">$outfile") or die "can't open output file $outfile";
print OUTFILE "Time,GCYoungGenCount,GCYoungGenTime,GCOldGenCount,GCOldGenTime,OldGenCapacity,OldGenUtilization\n";
print "Time,YGCount,YGTime,FGCount,FGTime\n";
#read header
#prime variables on first line of input
$line = <INFILE>;
@cells = split(/\s+/, $line);
$YGC = $cells[11];
$YGCT = $cells[12];
$FGC = $cells[13];
$FGCT = $cells[14];
#print "PRIME:timestamphere,$YGC,$YGCT,$FGC,$FGCT\n";
# now read in each line, calculating the diff from previous line and outputting values
while ($line = <INFILE>) {
#$line = <INFILE>;
# get new row's values
@cells = split(/\s+/, $line);
$time = $cells[0] . " " . $cells[1];
$time =~ s/,.*//g;
$nYGC = $cells[11];
$nYGCT = $cells[12];
$nFGC = $cells[13];
$nFGCT = $cells[14];
$OGCapacity = $cells[7];
$OG = $cells[8];
#print "NEW:$time,$nYGC,$nYGCT,$nFGC,$nFGCT\n";
# calculate differences from previous row's values
$diffYGC = $nYGC - $YGC;
$diffYGCT = $nYGCT - $YGCT;
$diffFGC = $nFGC - $FGC;
$diffFGCT = $nFGCT - $FGCT;
print OUTFILE "$time,$diffYGC,$diffYGCT,$diffFGC,$diffFGCT,$OGCapacity,$OG\n";
print "$time,$diffYGC,$diffYGCT,$diffFGC,$diffFGCT,$OGCapacity,$OG\n";
# now reset variables to current line's values
$YGC = $nYGC;
$FGC = $nFGC;
close (OUTFILE);
close (INFILE);
This perl script will give output such as the following:
04/21/12 15:39:13,68,3.349,2,0.0530000000000002,10754040.0,5733223.0
04/21/12 15:44:13,68,3.261,2,0.0499999999999998,10754040.0,4523825.4
04/21/12 15:49:13,69,3.41,2,0.0550000000000002,10754040.0,3766710.6
04/21/12 15:54:13,68,3.23700000000001,2,0.0509999999999999,10754040.0,3008307.3
04/21/12 15:59:13,68,3.169,2,0.052,10754040.0,2428630.4
Awesome post... can you please share the code for generating 7 charts for GC
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